Team Scattegories

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Materials: None

Yes, it’s Scattegories, the party game that we all remember! If you have a smaller group of students, adapting this game to the classroom is easy. A round of Scattegories works like this: You have the students take out a sheet of paper. Give the class 5 categories (such as food, adjectives, jobs, etc.), and ask them to write them down in 5 columns on their paper. Then choose a letter, and give the class 5 minutes to write down ONE word for each category that starts with that letter. When the time runs out it’s time for scoring. If a student has a word written that no one else has, then that student has a point. If they have the same word written as someone else, then neither of them get a point. The person with the most points wins the round. Also, if they come up with a double-word item for a category, then they get two points. For example, if the category is “Bulgarian City” with “G”, and the student writes “Golyamo Gradishte”, they get two points, provided no one else writes it down. The point of the game is to come up with your most exotic vocabulary to win the round. If you have a small class of 6 students or less then game works just as above, with all students working individually.

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For the team version: Divide the class into 3-4 groups. In my school most classrooms are arranged into 3 rows, so I divide them into 3 groups. The round works just like above, with each student writing their own answer individually. For scoring each category, have the entire class stand up. Go around the class and have each student read their answer for the category. If their answer matches anyone else, then all students with that answer sit down. After you count the last person, count the number of students standing in each row. Then move to the next category and have all the students stand up again.

-Tony S.

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