People to People

Materials: none

Description: This is a good game to review body parts. You need lots of room for the students to walk around and mingle, without desks in the way. To play the game, everyone stands up and walks around the area. The teacher then yells “People to People,” and everyone partners up with the person closest to them. The teacher also yells out two body parts (adjust to your student’s level of vocabulary), like “Hand to Foot.” The partners then have to touch those two body parts together (Vlado’s hand on Misho’s foot, and Misho’s hand on Vlado’s foot).  You can also yell out the same body part twice, like “Ear to Ear,” and they would have to stick their ears together.  As soon as everyone is touching body parts, tell them “Go!” and they can detach and start milling around again, looking for new partners. There will be a lot of giggling as people are trying to touch elbows to noses and whatnot, but be warned – some students might not be comfortable touching a member of the opposite sex. Segregate your class if needed.

-Nikola O.